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    德高機械 Degao Machinery


  • 聯(lián)系金先生咨詢(xún):


  • 熱搜關(guān)鍵詞: 視覺(jué)定位機、 制盒機、 禮盒機、 皮殼機、 成型機、 貼角機、
    詳情說(shuō)明 / Details


    2.自動(dòng)調模:輸入紙盒的長(cháng)寬高和模具的高度后,機器會(huì )自動(dòng)調整好相關(guān)成型位置,生產(chǎn)時(shí)即自動(dòng)鎖固,無(wú)需人工調整和鎖固,操作簡(jiǎn)單,易學(xué)易懂。
    5.存儲記憶功能:只要是生產(chǎn)過(guò)的紙盒,都會(huì )無(wú)限數量的自動(dòng)保存該數據,再次生產(chǎn)該紙盒時(shí),調出確認即可,無(wú)需再次調整,真正的實(shí)現人工智能化。

    Functional features

    After the machine is automatically connected with the automatic positioning machine, it is a fully automatic box making machine. Two automatic double head box making machines can also be connected automatically. Cam drive, automatic mold adjustment, no blade change, no first pressure foam board, etc. Set intelligent, scientific, efficient design concept as one.
    1. Servo cam drive: the servo motor is used to drive the cam action through the planetary reducer, so that the edge of the paper box can be folded into the forming work, with stable operation and long service life
    2. Automatic mold adjustment: after inputting the length, width and height of the carton and the height of the mold, the machine will automatically adjust the relevant molding position, and lock it automatically during production, without manual adjustment and locking, which is easy to operate and understand.
    3. No change of pressure foam board and edge folding knife: the machine has been installed with fixed length pressure foam board and edge folding knife, which can adapt to the production of carton of any size without replacement and disassembly, thus saving the time and cost of plate rotation.
    4. Automatic box holding: after combined with the automatic positioning machine, it can automatically hold the positioned box into the machine for forming, and automatically hold out after the completion of edge wrapping, folding and bubble pressing, without manual participation, ensuring safety, stability and rapidity.
    5. Storage and memory function: as long as the carton is produced, it will automatically save the data in unlimited quantity. When the carton is produced again, it can be called out for confirmation without further adjustment, which truly realizes artificial intelligence.
    6. Multiple bubble pressing: the pressure of 400kg on one side can realize 12 bubble pressing on the front, back, left and right sides respectively or as a whole. The box is flat and beautiful without bubbles.

  • 關(guān)于德高

    公司簡(jiǎn)介 榮譽(yù)資質(zhì) 合作伙伴 廠(chǎng)房車(chē)間 客戶(hù)案例
  • 產(chǎn)品中心

    全自動(dòng)智能制盒機 機械手影像定位機 禮品盒伺服成型機 全自動(dòng)紙盒貼角機 禮品盒機械非標定制
  • 新聞中心

    公司動(dòng)態(tài) 行業(yè)資訊 常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題
  • 聯(lián)系方式

    金 坤:13925867976

    金 培 煜:13925867976

    金 鑫:18926882708

    地 址:東莞市道滘鎮昌平村百代工業(yè)園四棟一樓
  • 掃描進(jìn)入手機站

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